True At Heart, released in 1991, is the album were Doro abandons the heaviest of her metal influences and becomes much more melodic, relying completely on blues rock and hard rock influences. This happened mainly because Doro chose to collaborate on this new record with several musicians from Nashville, Tennessee, the haven of country music. Basically, every song from this album features more than one vocal work. Of course, Doro contributed with her vocal works on all of them but we have musicians such as Todd Cerney, Bob DiPiero, Dennis Morgan, Gary Scruggs or Vince Melamed. We have two kinds of recipes in this album, the hard rock style songs such as Hear Me, Cool Love, I’ll Make It On My Own or Heartshaped Tattoo, songs which are typical in every Doro album but this record feature some very beautiful ballads, the expression of emotions, feelings and tenderness of this album in songs such as Even Angels Cry, Fall For Me Again, With The Wave Of Your Hand, The Fortuneteller or I Know You By My Heart. We can also include tracks that incorporate both elements and combines them resulting in a perfect harmony such as Gettin’ Nowhere Without You, Live It or You Gonna Break My Heart. Unlike the other records, Doro Pesch chose to approach this one differently, relying more on feelings such as love, anxiety, tenderness rather than the typical heavy metal which focuses on emotions such as courage, ambition or will to fight and never give up. You don’t need to listen the whole record to realize these aspects, it is easy to figure it out from the lyrics featured on the first song that stands as the introduction of a an intense, rebellious and adventurous love story. Conceptually, this album depicts the ups and downs of every relationship, the feeling of satisfaction and joy when you can be with the one you love and also the emptiness and sorrow felt once you are apart and can’t reach the one you hold dear. This is record targets especially the Doro fans, rather than the heavy metal fans. Those that appreciate Doro as a singer will appreciate this record as well, those that appreciate her for the musical approach she had in the past might find some changes that will raise some question marks, whether they will enjoy it or not remains to be seen and discussed.
Track list:
1. Cool Love
2. You’re Gonna Break My Heart
3. Even Angels Cry
4. The Fortuneteller
5. Live It
6. Fall For Me again
7. Heartshaped Tattoo
8. With The Wave Of Your Hand
9. Hear Me
10. I’ll Make It On My Own
11. Getting’ Nowhere Without You
12. I Know You By Heart