Reduced price due to cover being vg-/a small part missing
Swedish pressed music cassette. Plain black cassette without print. Catalogue number: THR-30 (the wrong catalouge number is written on the cover). This rare cassette is the only release that dared to print the complete title on the album, A New Race For A New World. It was then shortened to just …For A New World on all other releases
Another release by the French misanthropist, Kaiser Wodhanaz. A New Race For A New World does not break any new ground or present anything new to black metal. Wodhanaz even boasts in the booklet that this album was conjured in only a few hours. This is purely for fans of fast, brutal, and raw black metal. Unlike many other black metal bands that play along these lines, Ad Hominem has a great production, but is dirtied just enough to present the traditional black metal grit and give the sound just that bit more hate. The album title had to be shortened to only For A New World, however the cassette version of the album features the complete uncensored title. The album kicks off with a rather standard synthetic black metal intro, before the track Nuclear Black Metal Kampf kicks off with it’s blistering thrashing black metal riffs. The following tracks proceed in the same fashion until the album reaches Arbeit Macht Tot, where a few guitar grooves start to emerge. The next song, The Dithyramb of Sadism has probably the most memorable guitar grooves and phrases on the entire album. So far the only let down is that the album isn’t as blatant in its hatred as Ad Hominem was back on Planet Zog. That is of course until track 7. S. the Pope, with its half minded lyrics and thrashing black metal goodness, this track alone reminds us exactly what Ad Hominem is all about, even has the occasional groove thrown in for good measure. …For A New World isn’t exactly for everyone or any kind of must have, but it is definitely for fans of this genre.
Track list:
1. Closing Ranks
2. Nuclear Black Metal Kampf
3. Ad Hominem
4. Ritual Of The Depraved
5. Arbeit Macht Tot
6. The Dithyramb Of Sadism
7. Slaughter The Pope
8. Will To Power
9. On Your Ruins We March