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Bitter Taste Of Life -Trapped On Lies mcd

Original price was: 98.00kr.98.00kr

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Bitter Taste Of Life is a Swedish hardcore act that was formed back in 2008. Their 2011 EP Trapped In Lies was released in 2011 and it features six songs of rough, metallic beatdown hardcore. Bitter Taste Of Life delivers us brickloads of heavy hardcore and they do it really well. The title track opens the album and it feels so straight in your face with its chugging guitars. The two vocalist Olle and Richard has different voices but they both scream their lungs out. The rest of the album has tracks that are mid-tempo or fast tracks that can slow down into moshpart tempo. Quite a diverse album and if you think it isnt heavy enough then listen to the last song “Wrong Turn” as its probably the heaviest on the album. Overall this is a well balanced album with a massive sound from Finnish hardcore producer, Antti Malinen (Down My Throat, St. Hood, Become A Threat). Recommended for fans that like their hardcore hard

Track list:
1. Trapped In Lies
2. Cold
3. Lessons Learned
4. A Decent Life
5. What Will Remain
6. Wrong Turn

Additional information


World Vs Cometh Records

Release Year

Catalogue Number