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Holmgang -Runens Advarsel MC


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Swedish pressed music cassette. Black cassette without any print at all. Limited 500 copies.

Holmgang (the Norse equivalent of a duel, used to settle disputes. Often the two combatants would travel to a remote island to do battle) is a Danish black metal act formed in Copenhagen in 2001 and they disbanded 8 years later. Runens Advarsel was the bands debut album and it features a cold, damn cold, atmosphere exactly the atmosphere black metal albums should have. The songs are mostly all in the blast tempo, but Holmgang arent afraid to switch back a gear and let their music roll like a steam roll, as in “I Svobe Af Blod”, only to pass the accelerator again in the next moment. In addition, the songs also prove that subtly used melodies are the salt in the soup. Let us refer to the compositions “Dundilsfari” or “Holmgang”. The sound is just right for the old school impression, a bit rough and primitive and far from any commercial realm. All in all this album leaves a very positive impression

Track list:
1. I Vinterens Favn
2. Blot
3. Mundilsfari
4. Forladt Af Lyset
5. I Svobe Af Blod
6. Pesten
7. Holmgang
8. Runens Advarsel

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Total Holocaust Records

Release Year

Catalogue Number
