On the weekend of July 4th, 1978, Aerosmith headlined the original Texas World Music Festival in Dallas. Over 150,000 rock fans attended the fair and concert at the Cotton Bowl to hear 15 hours of music. It was one of the hottest days of the decade. The rest is history. Aerosmith weren’t exactly at the peak of their career in 1978, but they weren’t far from it, either. They had recently released Draw The Line, a record that didn’t quite match the twin peaks of Toys In The Attic and Rocks yet was still quite good (compared to 1979’s Night In The Ruts, it was nearly brilliant). They didn’t realize it, but they were coming off their stride and about to hit an artistic nadir. However, in 1978 they were walking tall. Consequently, the Live Texas Jam ’78 recording winds up being a pretty good document of the band nearly at their peak. Yes, it may be easy to wish that the video captured Aerosmith on the Rocks tour, but what’s here is pretty good all the same. The boys are in fine, tough form, and they play a pretty good mix of material. Since Toys and Rocks had yet to become acknowledged classics, the group doesn’t always pick obvious material, even though “Walk This Way,” “Sweet Emotion,” and “Toys In The Attic” are all here. The remaining nine songs range from such nuggets as “Rats In The Cellar,” “Same Old Song And Dance,” “Get The Lead Out,” and “Lick And A Promise” to covers of “Walking The Dog” and “Milk Cow Blues.” It’s a good set list, and a good performance from a good band near the height of their powers.
Track list:
1. Rats In The Cellar
2. Seasons Of Wither
3. I Wanna Know Why
4. Walkin The Dog
5. Walk This Way
6. Lick And A Promise
7. Get The Lead Out
8. Draw The Line
9. Sweet Emotion
10. Same Old Song And Dance
11. Milk Cow Blues-with Ted Nugent
12. Toys In The Attic