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Arckanum -Den Förstfödde lp [red]

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Red vinyl with gatefold cover and printed innersleeve. Limited 300 copies

Den Förstfödde is Arckanums ninth studio album in their 25 years of existence. Main man Shamaatae has made a statement that its time to move on and that he will continue his Thursian journey elsewhere. So that means Den Förstfödde will be the final album and its made up of invocations, prayers and magical formulas, all of them are designed to enkindle the black flames of Thursian Powers, its followers and Ragnarök. Den Förstfödde (The firstborn) is a dedication to Loki’s and Gullveig’s firstborn, Jörmungandr.

Track list:
1. Den Förstfödde
2. Nedom Etterböljorna
3. Likt Utgårds Himmel
4. Ofjättrad
5. Ginnmors Drott
6. Låt Fjalarr Gala
7. Du Grymme Smed
8. Kittelns Beska

Additional information


Folter Records

Catalogue Number

FR 106

Release Year