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Beach Boys -Good Vibrations lp

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German compilation album with the original EMIdisc innersleeve

Beginning their career as the most popular surf band in the nation, the Beach Boys finally emerged by 1966 as America’s preeminent pop group, the only act able to challenge (for a brief time) the overarching success of the Beatles with both mainstream listeners and the critical community. This compilation album was released in March 1970 and features ten Beach Boys classics mostly from the second half of the 60s.

Track list:
1. Good Vibrations
2. I Can Hear Music
3. In My Room
4. Sloop John B.
5. The Girl From New York City
6. Heroes And Villains
7. Surfer Girl
8. I Get Around
9. California Girls
10. Barbara Ann

Additional information


Emidisc Records

Release Year


Catalogue Number

C 048-50 702 / 1C 048-50 702