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Crucifixion –Green Eyes cds

198,00 kr

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Part 16 in the NWOBHM singles replica series. Limited 500 copies

Essex four-piece Crucifixion had the distinction of being there at the very beginning of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal (1979), but while their London contemporaries such as Iron Maiden, Girlschool, or Angel Witch all found some measure of success, Crucifixion met with mostly disappointment. Which explains why this, their debut EP, emerged only five years later, and featured rather workmanlike and by then dated examples of the genre, to boot. Both the opening title cut and “Moon Rising” were decent enough in a mid-’80s, commercial Brit metal sort of way (think Samson or a less theatrical Demon), mind you, but it was the decidedly rougher-edged “Jailbait” that struck closest to the band’s original N.W.O.B.H.M. ethos. Not that a full album’s worth of the latter would have helped Crucifixion this late in the game, consigning both the group and Green Eyes to metal collector’s fodder thereafter.

Track list:
1. Moonrising
2- Green Eyes
3. Jailbait

Additional information


Skol Records

Catalogue Number


Release Year