Released in 1996, the Enter Suicidal Angels EP was a taster for Dark Tranquility's subsequent album, The Mind's I, having been recorded during the same Studio Fredman sessions in the summer of 1996, and showcasing that record's first single, "Zodijakyl Light," as its opening track. Furthermore, it served to introduce Dark Tranquility's increasingly straightforward melodic death metal style — largely devoid of the archaic complexities of early-'90s Scandinavian death metal, which had bogged down their often flawed previous efforts. As well as the aforementioned album track, these improvements can be readily observed in both the speed-addled "Razorfever" and the mid-paced "Shadow Façade," but not the anomalous "Archetype," which takes a shocking detour into acid house dance beats mixed with rough samples from earlier Dark Tranquility songs. Track listing: 1. Zodijackyl Light 2. Razorfever 3. Shadowlit Facade 4. Archetype