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Death Angel -The Pack shaped pic disc

275,00 kr

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SKU: Lp 545ah Categories: , ,


Shaped picture disc with inlay card. Limited to 500 numbered copies

What you hold in your hands is a very limited edition printed and shaped vinyl featuring The Day I Walked Away. A Death Angel song that has never been released in any vinyl format. Its a song that means a lot to me personally. It deals with confronting a major change in life and facing it head on even though the end result is the unknown. The only thing that is known is that a change is necessary. Something I believe is a position we have all been through it and it often requires bravery, patience and strength to confront such change. The song The Pack is about strength in numbers. Whether it be in regards to a band, a family, a sports team or a music scene. Together we are a group of people that have all survived individual change and no matter how battered we may appear we have triumphed. And collectively we will not be defeated – Mark Osegueda

Track list:
1. The Pack
2. The Day I Walked Away

Additional information


Night Of The Vinyl Dead Records

Catalogue Number


Release Year