Sound-wise, “The 4Q Mangrenade” from Swedens crustcore kings, Driller Killer, is no major departure from the style heard on albums like “Cold, Cheap, and Disconnected”, but that does not mean it is a clone either. While not a band to progress a great deal, the Driller Killer style is continually tweaked just enough on each album to keep the sound relatively fresh without abandoning the furious crust punk/hardcore attack. The approach continues to be as subtle as a battering ram. The chainsaw riffing is still ferocious, the bass licks (and tone) are gnarly and very active (check out “State of the Narc” for a prime example), and Cliff’s phlegmy bark vocals (with a hint of Barney Greenway) are as commanding as ever. Plenty of prototypical speeding crust punk is found on tracks like “Nailgundown”, the metal-edged “State of the Narc”, and “Ugliness Formula One”. And if it is an all-out Driller Killer slammer that you want, then check out “The Fast The Fucked The Furious” or “The Fuckhumangrenade”. Mixing things up just a tad, “Nightmarathon” has a kind of punked up swing to it with super cool riffing that gets you off your ass and moving. “Today of the Dead” is actually quite tuneful, though just as nasty and unrelenting as the rest. You will find nothing to complain about on “The 4Q Mangrenade”. It is Swedish crustcore at its finest. This is not about redefining the style or becoming a different kind of band. This is about crusty, riotous punk and hardcore violence. Driller Killer doesn’t fuck around; the “The 4Q Mangrenade” is ample proof.
Track list:
1. Jaws
2. 3one6one4
3. Thefuckhumangrenade
4. Dakapokalypse
5. Naillgundown
6. Stateofthenarc
7. Nightmarathon
8. The Fast The Fucked The Furious
9. A Cut Above The Chest
10. Today Of The Dead
11. Ugliness Formula One
12. The N’ Din …Defendinthespendin