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Dub Bak -Rus Above All MC


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Ukrainian pressed music cassette. White cassette without print

The Ukrainian black metal act Dub Bak was formed in Kharkiv back in 1997 and they boasts Istukan from Nokturnal Mortum on guitar. Back in the beginning the band played a rather raw and early form of black metal. Then they started to perform a more melodic and symphonic and epic version of black metal. But even if they added keyboards they never lost their traditional black metal roots. On their 2003 album, Rus Above All, if felt like the band took a step backwards as the band now added more thrash metal to their sound as well as experimenting more. Lots of varied ideas this time around. From some crazy thrash metal guitar work to weird techno beats. The tone of this release is heavily militaristic and dogmatic, with a large pinch of Slavic folk influence added to the thrashing black metal; it sounds like the sort of thing a bunch of Ukranian guerrillas would be listening to as they clean their AK-47s. The occasional more melodic, pseudo-neoclassical moment pops up, but the majority of the music is taken up by rough, thrashing black metal riffs with some very intense rhythmic textures and absolutely vicious vocals, which are split between a black metal snarl and a gruff Slavic shout.

Track list:
1. Undertaker
2. Swa Battalion
3. Dube Tell Me
4. March Of Axes Of The Slavs
5. Rus Most High Above All
6. Slavic Sturm – Perun Zlatorun
7. Only Our Kind
8. In 1791

Additional information


Kolovrat Productions

Release Year