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Eneferens –In The Hours Beneath lp

250,00 kr

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Clear with grey smoke vinyl (which actually is white/grey). Limited 250 copies

Eneferens will be typecast as atmospheric black metal protagonists, but theirs is a more complex, nuanced style that embraces not only the epic, Cascadian fare that Wolves in the Throne Room pioneered, but also at times the mournful, heart on the sleeve doom that Patrick Walker has made his own, via Warning and 40 Watt Sun. Guitar lines crush, shimmer and tease in equal measure, while it is scarcely believable that all of the voices, ethereal, growled and haunted originate from the throat of sole protagonist Jori Apedaile – who also plays every instrument on the album. Eneferens exist in a realm where sun-beaten deserts and white hot alabaster above give way to frostbitten tundra, in the hours beneath. Theirs is a music of contrasts, with heart-breaking beauty sandwiched between melody and the harsh, ominous sounds of a world in ruins. Take the trip through the white and follow the path to ascension. Climb the black mountain and find refuge – stark, ominous, tranquil and cacophonous: Eneferens.

Track list:
1. Morning
2. Chrysanthemum
3. Through The White
4. Refuge
5. Upon The Black Mountain
6. Ascension

Additional information


Nordvis Produktion / Bindrune Recordings

Release Year

Catalogue Number

NVP067LP / BR048LP