Signed with a black pen three times.
French pressed music cassette. Black cassette with black paper label.
Enki is labeled as a one man depressive and suicidal black metal project. Formed in Haninge, Stockholm, Sweden by Micke back in 2016. They were first heard of when they releaseda cassette promo in 2018. The project has been very active with several releases per year during their most productive years. Enki is so much more than just about self harm,despair and grief there are also a lot of beauty in later material when Enki ads dreams and love for nature. The Destroying Myself release from 2022 is an atmospheric post-black release. Most of the album features instrumental music, both melancholic and at times even beautiful. 7 tracks with a running time of nearly 30 minutes of melancholic, dark and atmospheric music.
Track list:
1. I Promise
2. Early Mourning And Heavy Breath
3. I Gave You My Light
4. My Last Chance To Live
5. A Dying Best Friend
6. All Alone
7. To Suffer