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Finntroll ‎–Vredesvavd lp

250,00 kr

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SKU: Lp 505ao Categories: , ,


Black vinyl with gatefold cover.

When the Finnish Trolls arrived they brought something new to the folk metal scene. And bands often need to evolve their sound to keep things fresh and relevant but with this comes a risk. The chemistry can be unstable, and the end product can end up lacking something special. So even if albums such as Blodsvept and Nifelvind were enjoyable they lost some of the uniqueness that made the band so great in the first place. So what could we then expect from Vredesvavd, an album that fans had to wait 7 years for. Well I would say that the band has brought back the classic formula. From the brooding horns of the introduction, the manic polka rhythm of Ormfolk, to hidden acoustic gems inside tracks like Grenars Vag and Forsen. The pace of the album is quick, tempo of the songs ferocious, and everyone is putting forth their best effort across the board. The album has that clean polished production that’s reminiscent of the classic Finntroll albums Midnattens Widunder and Jaktens Tid so by the time you end up listening to the delightfully outro then I think you’ll agree that this is one of the best releases the band have come up with for a while. So lets just keep our fingers crossed we won’t have to wait 7 more years for another album.

Track list:
1. Väktaren
2. Att Döda Med En Sten
3. Ormfolk
4. Grenars Väg
5. Forsen
6. Vid Häxans Härd
7. Myren
8. Stjärnors Mjöd
9. Mask
10. Ylaren

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Century Media Records

Catalogue Number


Release Year