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Funeral Tears -Your Life My Death cd

Original price was: 149,00 kr.149,00 kr

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Debut album from Russian doom act Funeral Tears. Your Life My Death is melodic funeral doom, generic and typical of the Russian doom scene. This one man band is the work of Seredov Nikolay who is indeed very talented with a good feel for creating depressive doom metal music. Album starts with a cold song named ‘Cold Winter Wind’, there is soft, dark, cold and depressive atmosphere. There are heavy brutal vocals and soft rhythms songs in the album. Nikolay knows how to create a rather bleak mood with slowly progressing riffs that still show some melodic leanings. For this type of doom metal this is quite a diverse release. I can suggest this album to people searching for something depressive, cold and coming from North. It is suitable for people want to listen to really dark and deep songs.

Track listing:
1. Cold Winter Wind
2. Your Life My Death
3. Funeral Tears
4. For You
5. Be3 Te6r

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Marche Funebre

Release Year

Catalogue Number