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Godflesh -Streetcleaner MC

129,00 kr

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Polish pressed music cassette with 4 bonus tracks. Clear cassette with printed paper label. Back inlay shows the track list to Saxon Destiny album while the labels and inner cover shows the correct track list.

Poland is probably the country that had the most record labels in the world that only released cassettes. But even though there were lots of labels the market was still small as they only printed these for their own market inside of Poland. And a label in one town maybe lacked the distribution for another town and so on. A Warzaw or Krakow label might print more copies of a tape then labels from a smaller town. So even if there are thousands of releases you will notice how rare some are if you start to try to list the catalog number of one particular label. Some cassettes just rarely shows up. One of the bigger cassettes labels were Takt Music in Warsaw and another one was MG Records, which was a sub-label of GM Records (both used the same logo during the early 90s). Just like Takt they started in 1990 and existed up until 1994 and during those 4 years they released approx 3000 tapes. Under the name of GM Records they started a pressing plant in Poland after these cassette years was over.

Godflesh were industrial metal pioneers who championed constant experimentation and a hybrid of influences, ranging from dub to drum n bass. Their first full length album, Streetcleaner, built on the strengths of their self-titled EP and then some, resulting in one of the darkest, best classics of industrial grindcore, of course not sounding like the kind of hyperspeed grindcore Broadrick initially found himself associated with thanks to Napalm Death. Assisted with further guitar at points by past bandmate Paul Neville, Broadrick and Green simply explode with utter virulence, musically and lyrically. The song titles again evoke images of mechanistic destruction and organic decay, while Broadrick’s roared words, when audible, contain such user-unfriendly lines like Breed…like rats! and Don’t hold me back, this is my own hell!. The importance of Streetcleaner would grew with age and is now widely acclaimed by critics as a landmark release in industrial metal; though not the genre’s first release, Streetcleaner helped define what industrial metal would become. Recorded in three distinct sessions and partially refined from pre-Godflesh demos, Streetcleaner is a weighty, bleak album that blends heavy metal with industrial music by means of production-emphasized bass, distorted guitar and, most importantly, machine percussion. Unlike many metal albums, guitar is employed to create screeching noise rather than discrete riffs, and the drums and bass are louder than is typical. If you like industrial music then Streetcleaner is exactly what you need in your collection.

Track list:
1. Like Rats
2. Christbait Rising
3. Pulp
4. Dream Long Dead
5. Devastator / Mighty Trust Krusher
6. Wound
7. Head Dirt
8. Life Is Easy
9. Streetcleaner
10. Locust Furnace
11. Tiny Tears
12. Dead Head
13. Suction

Additional information


MG Records

Catalogue Number


Release Year