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House By The Cemetary ‎–The Mortuary Hauntings lp

250,00 kr

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Black vinyl with lyric insert. Limited 100 copies

Horror-aficionados House By The Cemetary are rousing the undead once again with the sophomore album The Mortuary Hauntings. With a tried-and-true formula of pummeling riffs and mid-paced Death Metal that throbs to herd a wall of zombies, Rogga Johansson (Paganizer, ex-Bone Gnawer, Massacre, etc) and Mike Hrubovcak (ex-Monstrosity, Azure Emote, ex-Vile, etc) cleverly disintegrate and reconstruct their love for Metal and old horror films; fortifying the two genres into an unwavering subculture hallmark but with a stylistic departure on their debut. The Mortuary Hauntings continues with the endearing worship of retro-Death Metal and the timeless devotion to cult horror-flicks. This is bare-bones, essential Swedish Death that has proven to be timeless.

Track list:
1. Cadavers Emerge
2. Beware Of The Woods
3. The Realm Of The Cursed
4. Beyond Oblivion
5. Infested
6. The Book Of Eibon
7. Tortured Severe
8. Opening The Gates Of Hell
9. Crypts Of Torment

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Pulverised Records

Catalogue Number


Release Year