What sets this band apart from so many other death metal bands, is that, even from the beginning, there was no mistaking what Immolation is about. This is not a group of three or four lackeys that circle some self-aggrandizing ego-driven frontman; nor are they out for cheap thrills. Immolation has worked hard and sacrificed, they perform as a band of equal strengths with no egos interfering, and they have mastered their musical abilities so to superiorly carve out an powerfully unique sound that alone defines everything death metal should be–unrepentant pummelling aggression in distortion and dissonance that would yield to none. As is evident with the vicious lyrics, gutteral vocals, and relentless percussion and ominous, sadistic guitars, Immolation know why this kind of music got its name, yet their distinctive creativity and passionate sense of vindictiveness give them a stamp of authenticity and credibility that is unmatched in the current metal scene. This music is in their blood, their hearts, and their souls, and their sincere dedication and passion comes howling out of every note and word on this album, demanding your respect. If you want to know what death metal is about, get this album, and Immolation will teach you. Track listing: 1. Once Ordained 2. No Jesus No Beast 3. Failures For Gods 4. Unsaved 5. God Made Filth 6. Stench Of High Heaven 7. Your Angel Died 8. The Devil I Know