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Jocke Åhs Band ‎–Busstur 7″

50,00 kr

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Pålsboda Music Association was established in May of 1979, but the first steps had been taken already back in 1976 and in just a short time the success was a fact. One of the pioneers was Benny Persson who turned an old henhouse on his farm in Kumla into a rehearsal place. Shortly after the association was formed they started to cooperate with Studiefrämjandet Syd Närke/The Study Promotion Association in South of Narke. The Study Promotion Association is one of the largest study associations for adult education in Sweden and was founded in 1959. Studieframjandet gives financial support and help to young adults that play rock music, role-playing or theatre. Finally in 1980 the moment everyone had been waiting for appeared. A motor club put down their operations at a place called Backagård and Pålsboda music association rebuilt it into a small studio with a four channel Teac and two rehearsal rooms. The association grew during the next four-five years and gigs at Folkets Park in Pålsboda, Kumla and Hallsberg were common for the artists connected to this association. However even bands like Norrlåtar and Rolf Wikström was there and played. There were also a music café and soon they could afford an 8-channel to their studio. Then in 1986 the first era was over when Backahuset was demolished. The new place were Stinsenhuset which had two floors, so beside a bigger studio they could now offer three rehearsal rooms. The new house was just opposite the local school, Folkaboskolan, and a large cooperation conducted now with the school. The high point of the associations history was probably in the late 80s when no less than 2000 study hours per year took place in the house. The studio was further upgraded further when they became the proud owners of two 16-channel Fostex recorders. By now the students at Folkaboskolan became their main operation. During their time at school the students began to play, started a band before parting their ways when they ended their time at the school. But several bands and artists continued long after their time at the school was over. One of the artists were Jocke Åhs who released this one and only single in 1991 on CUF Records Club. However Jocke Åhs never recorded his single in Pålsboda but at Studio Kuling in Örebro. Jocke Åhs performed acoustic guitar and vocals while his backing band consisted of Rickard Eriksson on bass, Örjan Larsson on keyboards, Johnny B Stensson on guitar. Magnus Ingjald that led many beginners circles also added guitar work on the disc. Magnus Ingjald was also active during several years in the dance band Nova where the drummer on the single Tomas Oksanen could be found too. Oksanen has also been a member in Drama and Janssons Frestelse. The female voice on the single comes from Annika Medin that during the same year also appeared on the B-side of Prelude, from Kumla, only single, Rock Symphony released by Rolab Music, 1991.

1. Busstur
2. Skål I Alla Fall

Additional information


CUF's Skiv Klubb

Catalogue Number

CUF 017

Release Year