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Just Before Dawn -Precis Innan Gryningen cd

398,00 kr

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Just Before Dawn is a project of Anders Biazzi, guitarist for Blood Mortized and it could be compared to Fred Estbys Necronaut. We have eight songs on the album and different vocalists growling for each of them. Great idea, isn’t it? So, that’s where we can find members / vocalists of such bands as Puteraeon, Godhate, Zombiefication, Revel In Flesh and Paganizer / Ribspreader / etc here. But it is Anders, who’s the mastermind behind Just Before Dawn. The debut album Precis Innan Gryningen is a really fine and killer gem of Swedish death metal. I guess some will moan and moan that it is nothing special, because it doesn’t bring anything extraordinary and unheard before, but fuck that. For me Precis Innan Gryningen is damn solid and worthy album, with great riffage, great atmosphere (with lyrics talking about the Second World War!) and with some great vocals. The album is obviously deeply rooted in the traditional Swedish death metal style. Not only the guitar tone is the one, but also stylistically there are many influences from the great classic crews. For instance As Death Breaks the Surface has this classic Dismember / Grave riffing and it is pure bulldozer, heavy as fuck, brutal… But there are also many similarities to such bands as Asphyx and Hail of Bullets, for example in Raped Soil, which is just a superb song, very doomy, very monumental and almost kind of epic, with some beautiful, mournful melodies or in Pulverised, which is another massive, heavy fucker. If you add some influence of Bolt Thrower, similarities to such newer Swedish bands as Paganizer, Facebreaker, Ribspreader, Puteraeon, and then you know everything about Precis innan gryningen. It is just a classic death metal record. No experiments, no progressive stuff is needed here, just straight to the bone, guts ripping riff and heaviness. And that is exactly what Precis Innan Gryningen. So, if you like heavy, brutal death metal with many doomy parts, which would take equal influences from the Swedish and Dutch death metal scenes, then Just Before Dawn is a must have for you.

Track listing:
1. Precis Innan Gryningen
2. As Death Breaks The Surface
3. Under Wheels Of Death
4. Pulverised
5. Ten Megaton War Machine
6. Raped Soil
7. Slagfalt Efter Slagfalt
8. The World Burning

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Chaos Records

Release Year

Catalogue Number
