Satanik Kreatures is a collection of interviews and TV news pieces. It opens with a 25 minute interview that probably is the funniest interview there ever was on the Tom Snyder Tomorrow Show which occurred on Halloween (31st of October) of 1979, when the band appeared to promote their album Dynasty. It is by far the most entertaining Kiss interview of all time. The first half of the dvd is this interview, as far as I can tell, in its entirety. This is the now infamous interview where Ace is drunk and off on Gene and Paul’s tight leash. Ace cracks himself, and everyone but Gene and Paul, up during most of the interview. What I find most interesting is how watered down, Gene tries to keep things. Gene freaks out when Peter mentions he has a gun collection and has to pipe in and say, ‘They’re toy guns’. Peter’s cool though and says, c’mon I can talk about my guns. Ace tells a story about trashing his hotel room and his road manager tells the cops that his friends got Ace drunk and drugged him and he was passed out. Gene and Paul freak out and shout, He wasn’t drugged, he wasn’t drugged. Then comically Ace states, I don’t do drugs. Ace interrupts Gene and Paul several times and it’s great to see their reaction to being upstaged by Ace. Gene is slouched in his chair pouting most of the time and asks a couple time, Having fun Tom? Actually Tom looks to be having a blast as he is cracked up time and time again by Ace’s antics. This interview alone warrants the purchase of this dvd. The rest of the interviews are Gene and Paul from the Crazy Nights era. There is one from Creatures and another of Gene alone that looks to be from the Farewell era. Some of these interviews are interesting like one where Paul states that a Reunion with the 4 original members would not happen and Kiss is only interesting in moving forward and not living off the past. The dvd is good quality with VHS quality video and sound. Recommended for the Tom Snyder interview alone, the rest is just a bonus. Petal Productions has sourced the content of this program from various private collectors, including fans and enthusiasts. This material is presented for the first time ever in a dvd format and is an essential item to complete your current music collection. This dvd contains no music or performance by the arits but odd archive footage that can include a variety of private and TV material. For true fans, these insights show another side of the music that we all know and love.