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Lenny Kravitz ‎–Live Performances Volume 1 dvd

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Rock music in the 1980s had completely lost the gritty feel of earlier eras until the Hendrix-inspired guitarist and singer Lenny Kravitz rediscovered the magic formula. Kravitz’s sonic template combined good old-fashioned rock & roll with glam, soul, and psychedelia, making him a massive success. He made a splash straight out of the gate with his album Let Love Rule. After that, he de-emphasized the flower-power aspects of his music and began moving toward a heavier rock sound. This progression brought him such huge hits as “Are You Gonna Go My Way” and a hard-rocking cover of the Guess Who’s “American Woman.” Along the way, his flamboyant image, model-like looks, and frequent acting roles made him a fixture in pop music circles were he kept the torch for classic rock burning bright into the new millennium. This amazing dvd features lots of rare TV performances recorded between 1995 and 2002 and several of them features prominent guests such as actor Dustin Hoffmann and music stars Iggy Pop, Mick Jagger, Skunk Anansie and Madonna

Track list:
1. I Belong To You-Bravo Tv Show 1998
2. Are You Gonna Go My Way-Bravo Tv Show 1998
3. Always On The RuN-Jool Holland Tv Show 1998
4. If You Cant Say No-Jool Holland Tv Show 1998
5. Fly Away-Taratata Tv Show 1999
6. Fly Away-Top Of The Pops Tv 1999
7. Rock N Roll Is Dead-David Letterman Tv Show 1995
8. Fly Away-Echo Awards Tv Show 1999
9. Dig In-Aids Gala Tv Show 2001
10. Stillness Of Heart-Wetten Dass Tv Show 2002
11. You Are My Sunshine-Wetten Dass Tv Show 2002-with Dustin Hoffman
12. Rebel Rebel-VH-1 Fasion Awards 1998-with Iggy Pop
13. Dig In-VH-1 Music Awards 2001
14. God Give Me Everything-VH-1 Music Awards 2001-with Mick Jagger
15. Live-Mtv Live 1999
16. It Aint Over-Mtv Live 1999
17. Super Soul Fighter-Mtv Live 1999
18. Tunnel Vision-Mtv Live 1999
19. Fields Of Joy-Mtv Live 1999
20. Fly Away-Mtv Live 1999
21. Are You Gonna Go My Way-Mtv Live 1999
22. Anti Love-Taranta Tv Show 1996-with Skun Anansie
23. Ray Of Light-Mtv Music Awards 1998-with Madonna

Additional information


Not On Label

Release Year

Catalogue Number
