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Letzte Instanz ‎–15 Jahre Brachialromantik dvd

Original price was: 249,00 kr.249,00 kr

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Digipak dvd with a 16 page poster booklet and 3 hours playing time.

It all started with a violin in the head and a cello in the heart. Since 1998 Letzte Instanz are stirring up the German-Folkrock-music-scene – 15 years, over 650 concerts, 10 studio albums and numerous chart entries. And yet they and their music stays fresh and flexible, which was proved with the grandiose trilogy releases “Schuldig” (2009), “Heilig” (2010) and “Ewig” (2012) next to many hits. The band celebrated their 15th anniversary in Dresden (their home town) on the 19th of October 2013 with a special live-set, friends and musicians of the band’s history. This terrific concert was immortalized on this dvd.

Track list:
1. Kaltzer Glanz
2. Nur Fur Uns
3. Maskenball
4. Morgenrot
5. Wieder Einmal Rot
6. Fur Immer Und Ewig
7. Kopfkino
8. Ohne Dich
9. Jeden Morgen
10. Blind
11. Eisblume
12. Das Stimmlein
13. Flucht Ins Glück
14. Von Anfang An
15. Dein Licht
16. Helden, Komm, Sing
17. Schwarzer Sand
18. Et In Arcadia Ego
19. Diamanten
20. Sonne
21. Allein, Allein
22. Schlaf, Schlaf
23. Tanz
24. Der Letzte Tag
25. Ewig
26. In Meiner Erinnerung
27. Der Garten
28. Mein Todestag
29. Wir Sind Allein

Additional information


Drakkar / Sony Records

Catalogue Number

DRAKKAR 209 / 88843031949

Release Year