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Mayhem -Pure Fucking Armageddon 6lp box [pic disc/dvd]

1995,00 kr

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A limited box set with 6 picture discs, a dvd and an 80-page book

After honoring the Dead era and the De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas era these last years, it was time to look at the very beginning of The True Mayhem. Necrobutcher opened his vault of personal and never-released tape recordings, and has with the help of long-time Mayhem friend Finn Håkon Rødland put together a nostalgic picture disc box set with the very first recordings of The True Mayhem. The Pure Fucking Armageddon demo, Side FUCK and side OFF, was originally released in 100 hand numbered copies in the summer of 1986. The demo tape was recorded by Necrobutcher on his tape recorder. The recording has the worst possible sound quality and this box set is dedicated to the die-hard fans.We found a tape called Blanding in Necrobutcher`s vault, containing the final complete Pure Fucking Armageddon rehearsal that he recorded on the same tape recorder probably sometime in March 86, 90 minutes in total. We put that on a double album, including talking between songs and multiple takes on tracks, nothing has been cut. The box also features the historical Live in Ski April 1985 gig, where Mayhem performed 3 cover tracks. The very first official Mayhem interview was recorded on tape by Øyvind Ihlen for the Panic fanzine. The interview is in Norwegian, but we included that as well. You can read a translation in the box. This is also partly inspired by a similar interview-disc release from Venom many years ago. And finally, Checker Patrol, the obscure project that Euronymous and Necrobutcher had with Metalion and their friends in Assassin and Agressor in Germany during their interrail trips in 86 and 87. Yes, 87 as well, never before been available, until now. Then we have the 80-page book with Necrobutcher’s recollections and unique pictures from the very first Mayhem photo sessions.

Track list:
Pic Disc 1: Pure Fucking Armageddon Demo
1. Voice Of A Tortured Skull
2. Carnage
3. Ghoul
4. Black Metal
5. Pure Fucking Armageddon
6. Mayhem
7. Ghoul
8. Pure Fucking Armageddon
9. Carnage
10. Hidden Outro

Pic Disc 2 and 3: Pure Fucking Armageddon Rehearsal
1. Ghoul
2. Ghoul
3. Ghoul
4. Intros
5. Carnage
6. Black Metal
7. Pure Fucking Armageddon
8. OI
9. Witching Hour
10. Carnage
11. Carnage
12. Carnage
13. Intro
14. Outro
15. Ghoul
16. Ghoul
17. Ghoul
18. Pure Fucking Armageddon
19. Pure Fucking Armageddon
20. Black Metal
21. Carnage
22. Carnage
23. Carnage
24. Ghoul
25. Black Metal
26. Pure Fucking Armageddon
27. Black Metal
28. Black Metal

Pic Disc 4: Checker Patrol
1. Jagermeister
2. Barbeque Of Hell
3. Checker Patrol
4. Ritze Ratze Rotze
5. Metalion In The Park
6. Fuck Off And Die
7. Satan Dies In Hell
8. Satan Dies In Hell Pt. 2
9. Off Course
10. Throwing Glass
11. Satan Dies In Hell

Pic Disc 5: Live In Ski 85
1. Intro/Black Metal-Venom cover
2. Procreation Of The Wicked-Celtic Frost cover
3. Welcome To Hell-Venom cover

Pic Disc 6: Panic Interview 1985

Dvd: Live In Ski 1985
1. Intro/Black Metal-Venom cover
2. Procreation Of The Wicked-Celtic Frost cover
3. Welcome To Hell-Venom cover

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Peaceville Records

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