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Melechesh -As Jerusalem Burns AlIntisar lp

300,00 kr

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SKU: Lp 521bb Categories: , ,


Black vinyl with insert and logo stencil. Limited 499 numbered copies

Both historically and aesthetically, Melecheshs debut album, 1996’s As Jerusalem Burns AIntisar, never really meshed with the respected Israeli heavy metal band’s remaining musical output and overall career vision — a fusion of extreme heavy metal with the Israel-birthed group’s Middle Eastern heritage, which only achieved truly life-changing fruition some five years later with the release of 2001’s sophomore effort, Djinn. For now, Melechesh’s songs were largely rooted in the European black metal aesthetic (see feverishly blastbeaten offerings like Hymn to Gibil, Baphomet’s Lust, and Devil’s Night, as well as the more measured, melodic, Rotting Christ-recalling Planetary Rites), and even Al’Intisar‘s subject matter (the title itself is Arabic for the victory) followed suit by choosing religious confrontation over the more thought-provoking cultural and mythological studies still to come. Sure, Melechesh were already peppering exotic drum patterns and riff sequences across any number of songs contained here (including the opening Sultan of Mischief, the progressively minded title track, and the instrumental Dance of the Black Genii, with its native percussion instruments and haunting wailing), yet, ironically, these often sounded about as convincingly Arabian as the average Western band feigning the most obvious Eastern musical cliches. Regardless of all that, though, As Jerusalem Burns AlIntisar was already an impressively well-crafted and mature collection of songs, indicative of Melecheshs future blossoming into one of the extreme metal world’s most intriguing and rewarding propositions.

Track list:
1. Intro
2. Sultan Of Mischief
3. Assyrian Spirit
4. Planetary Rites
5. Hymn To Gibil
6. The Sorcerers Of Melechesh
7. Dance Of The Black Genii
8. Baphomets Lust
9. Devils Night
10. As Jerusalem Burns AlIntisar

Additional information


Night Of The Vinyl Dead

Catalogue Number

Release Year