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Monster Magnet -If Satan Lived In Heaven Hed Be Me lp

125,00 kr

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New Jersey white-trash visionary and Monster Magnet frontman Dave Wyndorf spent most of the ’80s and ’90s dropping acid, popping pills, inhaling pungent weed, and churning out sludgy, drug-induced paeans to hedonistic abandon. And when he finally came down from his cosmic cloud, he realized the rest of the world was as messed up as he was. Addiction loomed everywhere–for power, money, and sex–and all Wyndorf could do was take out his notepad and marvel at the chaos. Wyndorf and his Monster Magnet released 4 critical acclaimed albums up to 1998 and they were working on the fifth album God Says No when they were out touring in the autumn of 2000. The title for this album were taken from the almost immortal line in the lyrics to Snake Dance from the album God Says No.

If Satan lived in Heaven, he’d be me
And acid dirty doves and stupid sheep
That bone did triple, I can make you see
Rub that naked belly up to me, yeah yeah, oh yeah
Go, go, go Yeah baby, smoke them bones, yeah
Go, go, go I’m so fucking stoned

This album features 9 tracks taken from the 2000 live tour. Listen to this disc by the Spacelords and you will be in for a very powerful trip thats for sure.

If you want to spank your demons and make them pay. Baby I’m your man of the hour – Wyndorf

Track listing:
1. Atomic Clock
2. Powertrip
3. Cry
4. Melt
5. Crop Circle
6. God Says No
7. Negasonic Teenage Warhead
8. Tractor
9. Space Lord

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Release Year