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MSG (McAuley/Schenker) -M • S • G MC

79,00 kr

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Polish pressed music cassette. Clear cassette without print. The fun thing about this release is that they call the album Elektrola after the German label.

Poland is probably the country that had the most record labels in the world that only released cassettes. But even though there were lots of labels the market was still small as they only printed these for their own market inside of Poland. And a label in one town maybe lacked the distribution for another town and so on. A Warzaw or Krakow label might print more copies of a tape then labels from a smaller town. So even if there are thousands of releases you will notice how rare some are if you start to try to list the catalogue number of one particular label. Some cassettes just rarely shows up. One label were Ilon. Some suggests its an Ukrainian label and maybe its both. Where they were based are for me unkonwn (if anyone has more information then please contact me). The label showed up in the early 90s and after the new copyright laws of May 1994 it seems like they continued for a few years more with just releasing compilation and Russia and Polish artists. Approximately around 1100 titles were released during their active years. One of the gimmicks the label used was that they printed Produced In Germany on several of their covers

At 17 year old Michael Schenker made his first recording appearance as lead guitarist with the Scorpions on their 1972 debut before recording five studio albums plus a double live LP with UFO for Chrysalis Records. After leaving UFO, he formed the Michael Schenker Group (MSG for short) with singer Gary Barden in 1979, releasing four studio albums and two live records between 1980 and 1984. Michael returned in 1987 with the Perfect Timing album fronted by former Grand Prix singer Robin McAuley, and a change of name to the McAuley Schenker Group (but still MSG for short). The new look MSG recorded a total of four albums, starting with the melodic Perfect Timing (1987), Save Yourself (1989), M.S.G. (1992) and finally with Unplugged Live (1992). The enigmatic, but profoundly talented Michael Schenker and Robin McAuley hit the mark by giving us this album full of melodic hooks and searing vocals, The 1992 M.S.G. album is certainly a harder and grittier affair than the previous McAuley Schenker releases. From the opening riffs of ‘Eve’, you are transported back to the great power playing and melodic styling that made Schenker one of the greatest guitar players in metal history.

Track listing:
1. Eve
2. When Im Gone
3. This Broken Heart
4. We Believe In Love
5. Crazy
6. Invincible
7. What Happens To Me
8. Lonely Nights
9. This Night Is Gonna Last Forever
10. Nightmare

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Ilon Records

Catalogue Number

ILON 086