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Double album
Not every day do we tell you about a meteoric connection between two great artists, from two different generations and both ends of the musical spectrum. It is also rare for such a connection, until it already happens, to be fruitful and give birth to a full album, a double single, and even a joint tour. This is the story of the album Mirror Ball, Neil Young’s 21st studio album released on June 27, 1995, in which members of the Pearl Jam band collaborated with Neil Young. The story begins in 1993, when Pearl Jam was in the midst of touring the Vs.. During that time Pearl Jam also served as Neil Young’s opening act in his shows. Pearl Jam members’ admiration for Neil Young was well known. It’s no secret that bands in the grunge scene have been influenced and adored by him, but it turns out that this admiration was mutual. Neil Young known as the Godfather of Grunge used to bring Pearl Jam members on stage during the encores to perform the song Rockin’ in the Free World with him. After the release of the Mirror Ball album, Neil Young and Pearl Jam (minus Eddie Vedder and plus album producer Brendan O’Brien who played keyboards) went on a short tour in Europe. During that tour we could witnessed a special connection between two generations, the veteran in the plaid shirt and the young men in Bermuda shorts, sharing one stage in the name of music. This double album features a show from that tour, recorded in Berlin on the 14th of August 1995. The Canadian rocker Neil Young and Pearl Jam thrilled the crowd in Berlin. Without a super stage and light show as Young needs to no light show and no bombastic stage setup because the man is pure Rock n Roll and a truly great performer. For anyone to actually listen to the music he was making with Pearl Jam, to really hear the guitar solos and not be won over by Young you had to be so dense and so lame that you deserved to have a bad day. I think thousands of Pearl Jam fans became Neil Young fans on this Saturday in Berlin. The track Like A Hurricane is listed on the back cover but is not on the disc.
Track list:
1. Big Green Country
2. Song X
3. Act Of Love
4. Downtown
5. Mr. Soul
6. Scenery
7. Throw Your Hatred Down
8. The Needle And The Damage Done
9. My My, Hey Hey
10. After The Gold Rush
11. I’m The Ocean
12. Cortez The Killer
13. Powderfinger
14. Peace And Love