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Phantom Corporation –First Commandment mcd


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What strike you first is ofcourse the artwork by Voivod drummer Michel Away Langevin. Phantom Corporation is however a new German death metal act where Dew-Scented vocalist Leif Jensen has teamed up with his old buddy and former Dew-Scented drummer Marc-Andree Dieken. And together with Philipp from Eroded and Arne from BK49 they formed Phantom Corporation to play a dirty crust version of death metal. The First Commandment mini album is a real punch in your face. Its not only fast and brutal on the guitar and drum parts, Leif also does is best to sound as intense as he can. Its a mix of old school death and trash as well as punk and hardcore. So its brutal and honest but still sounding as clear as it can as the recording was mastered by Dan Swanö.

Track list:
1. Liberty In Death
2. Shock Wave
3. Capitulation
4. Pushed Too Far
5. Distress
6. Days Gone By

Additional information


Phantom Corporation Records

Release Year

Catalogue Number