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Prevalent Resistance –To Live Again And Dominate lp

150,00 kr

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SKU: Lp 535cq Categories: , ,


Black vinyl with printed innersleeve. Limited 400 copies

To Live Again And Dominate is the second full-length release by this raw black metal band from Finland. Its raw and only moderately polished but if youre into these kind of underground acts then its still an album worth checking out. Whilst the entire release may be deemed to lack any sort of innate, organic understanding of what constitutes the crafting of album that is satisfying to experience sequentially, I don’t get the impression that the band gives a rat’s ass for the listener’s sensibilities. Good for them. The band has an unswerving talent for crafting uniformly excellent riffs, interwoven with appealing contrapuntal melodies. At this, they unquestionably excel, particularly on the album’s standout track, Forever The Pale Flame Burns. The piece is built around a strong, lyrical riff that packs an emotional punch yet the structure of the song lacks finesse in the way alluded to above with little in the way of anything that could be described as segues between passages. However, when any given song’s individual components are as appealing as this, it doesn’t really matter to me that they’ve been tongue-and-grooved together.

Track list:
1. Burning Insemination
2. The Gates Stand Shut
3. Striving For Command
4. Forever The Pale Flame Burns
5. Moonlight Soul Arise

Additional information


Blut & Eisen Productions

Release Year