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Red Hot Chili Peppers -Hit Collection MC


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Ukrainan pressed music cassettes with the band being called Chilly Peppers. Clear South Records cassette with white print.

Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Russia were all countries that released lots of tapes in the early to mid 90s. One major player In Ukraine was CD-Club that were based on the St.Instytystska 25 in Kiev, the same address as KYIV-Eurostar the Ukrainian part of Eurostar. Eurostar produced the CD-Club releases. The label released around 5000 titles between 1996 and 2001.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers Hit Collection is a compelling listen, culling tracks from the band’s 1987 album The Uplift Mofo Party Plan to their big seller Californication in 1999. The tracks here are all hits, including such stellar singles as Give It Away, Under The Bridge and Frusciante’s first single after his phoenix-like resurrection from heroin addiction, Scar Tissue. Hit Collection portrays the band as one of the most consistently brilliant groups of its generation. Helping to paint this picture are such solid cuts as the group’s searing, albeit overplayed, 1989 cover of Stevie Wonder’s Higher Ground as well as its rarely available addition to the Bevis And Butthead movie soundtrack, Love Rollercoaster. Not surprisingly, My Friends and Aerosplane are the sole cuts to make it from the band’s disappointing one-off effort with Jane’s Addiction guitarist Dave Navarro, One Hot Minute. Overall this is an enjoyable and most consistently listenable Chili Pepper release.

Track list:
1. Scar Tissue-from Californication 1999
2. Give It Away-from Blood Sugar Sex Magik 1991
3. Californication-from Californication 1999
4. Suck My Kiss-from Blood Sugar Sex Magik 1991
5. Higher Ground-from Mothers Milk 1989
6. Under The Bridge-from Blood Sugar Sex Magik 1991
7. I Like Dirt-from Californication 1999
8. Breaking The Girl-from Blood Sugar Sex Magik 1991
9. Parallel Universe-from Californication 1999
10. Fight Like A Brave-from The Uplift Mofo Party Plan 1987
11. Aeroplane-from One Hot Minute 1995
12. Around The World-from Californication 1999
13. My Friends-from One Hot Minute 1995
14. Love Rollercoaster-from Beavis And Butt-Head Do America Soundtrack 1996
15. Mellowship Slinky In B-Major-from Blood Sugar Sex Magik 1991
16. Right On Time-from Californication 1999

Additional information


CD Club Records / Eurostar Records

Catalogue Number

ES 5204

Release Year