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Robert Plant ‎-2005 TV Appearances dvd

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In May of 2005 former Led Zeppelin vocalist Robert Plant released his Mighty Rearranger album and this was followed by some promotional work. Robert Plant visit several TV and Radio stations to talk about the new album. Mighty Rearranger was an album full of sounds from Eastern modalism, Malian folk, guitar rock, R&B, and the single track, Shine It All Around, Is performed on several occasions and it sports Deamer’s crunch and crack drums, while Adams’ canny emulation of Jimmy Page’s Les Paul toneography fills Plant’s sung and moaned lines with ferocity. Another song Plant wanted to play at these shows was the North African-flavored rocker Takamba. With Mighty Rearranger, Robert Plant showed that you could go way back in history and still delivery an mature yet utterly unfettered rock & roll album that still sounds fresh and inspiring. This dvd features material from those appearances.

Track list:
1. Shine It All Around-Jools Holland May 3rd 2005
2. Interview-Jools Holland May 3rd 2005
3. Takamba-Jools Holland May 3rd 2005
4. When The Levee Breaks-Jools Holland May 3rd 2005
5. Takamba-Trafic Musique May 4th 2005
6. Intros-Trafic Musique May 4th 2005
7. Shine It All Around-Trafic Musique May 4th 2005
8. Shine It All Around-David Letterman Late Night Show May 9th 2005
9. Shine It All Around-Conan O’Brien Show May 14th 2005
10. Interview-Icelandic Tv April 20th 2005
11. Whole Lotta Slideshow
12. Whole Lotta Love-Cirkus Stockholm Sweden April 18th

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