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Sacrifice –Forward To Termination MC

119,00 kr

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German pressed music cassette. White cassette with black text. Limited 300 copies

One of Canada’s first, and arguably all around best, pure thrash metal bands, Sacrifice was formed in Toronto, in 1985, and quickly earned a recording contract on the strength of a promising pair of demos. Their second album ‘Forward To Termination’ hit the streets in 1987 and by this album the band had already matured to a reasonable level, now sounding more like a real band, and the result is a lot more controlled and effective than the chaotic debut – not to forget about some decent production values. Musically this album is not exactly spectacular, but the tight execution gives it a life. The songs benefit from the fact that the band still played very fast and had not yet started to wander into more ambitious directions which would add some tediousness to their later releases. Especially the furious tracks ‘Terror Strikes’, ‘Re-Animation’ and ‘Pyrokinesis’ still sound as great as ever, even with some nostalgia attached to them. Although there are no big musical differences between most Sacrifice albums (naturally excluding the debut), Forward To Termination is actually their most recommended work.

Track listing:
1. Forward To Termination
2. Terror Strikes
3. Re-animation
4. Afterlife
5. Flames Of Armageddon
6. The Entity
7. Forever Enslaved
8. Cyanide
9. Light Of The End
10. Pyrokinesis

Additional information


High Roller Records

Release Year

Catalogue Number