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Septic Flesh -The Great Mass cd/dvd

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Limited digipak edition with bonus dvd

These guys have been around for a couple decades now, releasing their first album way back in 94. Septic Flesh have gone through a couple of stages during their career. The first four albums being unconventional blackend death metal, the next two are experimental electronic/industrial alternative influenced death metal (yeah that sounds really weird but Revolution DNA and Sumerian Daemons are sick and phenomenal albums), and now Communion and The Great Mass being the latest stage of the band. Both albums being avant-garde symphonic death metal. I must say they totally nail it on this album. They blend their symphonic influences perfectly with their melodic death metal perfectly. The orchestrations actually make the music heavier like when the music just breaks down into the orchestra, then the riffs come in and it makes some brutal and beautiful ear candy. I’m not really a fan of melodic death metal, but these two guitarists have a pretty unique sound, which has a lot has to be the less conventional style they play. Plus both guitarists are on vocals, one being the clean and the other being harsh. Both are great vocalists, especially the clean vocals which is rare in extreme metal. This album and Septic Flesh in general are totally worth checking out, especially if you dig less conventional metal.

Track listing:
1. The Vampire From Nazareth
2. A Great Mass Of Death
3. Pyramid God
4. Five-Pointed Star
5. Oceans Of Grey
6. The Undead Keep Dreaming
7. Rising
8. Apocalypse
9. Mad Architect
10. Therianthropy

Dvd listing: The Great Mass in 5.1 audio
1. The Vampire From Nazareth
11. A Great Mass Of Death
12. Pyramid God
13. Five-Pointed Star
14. Oceans Of Grey
15. The Undead Keep Dreaming
16. Rising
17. Apocalypse
18. Mad Architect
19. Therianthropy
11. The Making Of The Great Mass-documentary

Additional information


Season of Mist

Release Year

Catalogue Number

SOM 229D