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Sinister -Cross The Styx pic disc

200,00 kr

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Picture disc. Limited 250 copies

Sinister’s first two albums are must-haves for any death metal freak. They provide perfect music for headbanging and actually wrote really intelligent music early on in their career. The main influence on this album is Possessed. This is especially evident in the use of choppy riffs (see the first riff off of the title track, it sounds quite similar to ‘Seven Churches’) and semi-thrash riffs but you can also here some old school Swedish death metal also and all is played at lightening speed. The solos are not thought-out masterpieces, but frantic explosions of notes. Vocals are a definite strength on here. Mike was a very strong element in Sinister, he’s got a really deep and strong growl, and constantly spews out lyrics about the occult. Heavy. Twisted. Blasting and a must have.

Track list:
1. Carnificina Scelesta
2. Perennial Mourning
3. Sacramental Carnage
4. Doomed
5. Spiritual Immolation
6. Cross The Styx
7. Compulsory Resignation
8. Corridors To The Abyss
9. Putrefying Remains
10. Epoch Of Denial
11. Perpetual Damnation
12. Outro

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Reek Of Death Records

Release Year