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Squealer -The Prophecy cd


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Squealers, the German thrash power metal act, third album The Prophecy features Tobias Exxel from Edguy on bass and its a very nice sporadically speedy and solid album. The album begins with a lush, extravagant chorus of voices harmonizing and leads right into the furious speed-metal of Friends for Life. Squealer could be compared to a mix of Angel Dust, Edguy and the Turkish band Mezarkabul. Aside from the album’s intro, and the abysmal Depeche Mode cover, the Prophecy is almost completely sans-keyboards, letting the guitars do the walking. Excellent production and a nice, fat drum sound help this release to stand out, not to mention the terrific songwriting. This is a band that is worth checking out for anyone remotely into German speed or power metal
Track listing:
1. The Prophecy (The Final Sign)
2. Friends For Life
3. But No One Cares
4. Live Everyday
5. Hold On Tight
6. To Die For (…Your Sins)
7. Nowhere To Hide
8. I See The World
9. The Meaning Of Life
10. Enjoy The Silence-Depeche Mode cover
11. The Prophecy (Follow Me)

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