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The Mekters ‎–Ögat MC

59,00 kr

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Swedish pressed music cassette. Clear cassette without print.

The Mekters was a Swedish electronic pop/rock band that released the demo Ögat back in 1995.The band would disband just a few years later after just two live shows and a couple of demos. During the years more people discovered the band and this debut demo was re-released with a slightly new artwork. Then in 2008, ten years after their break-up, the band members found themselves back together again with new drummer Johan Gustafsson and The Mekters were officially reunited.

Track list:
1. Werthers Orginal
2. Lurt Hela Dan
3. Är Jag I Bild Nu?
4. Hon Har Ingenting (Att Skryta)
5. Tredje Brevet Till Skohållaren
6. Ögat
7. Sommarens Kattjakt
8. Musse-Mark
9. Petrus Synagoga
10. Tjejen På Östermalm
11. Snake Mountain
12. Någonting Är På Gång

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Tisselskogs Companiet

Release Year