Original Pre-edition CDr release sold by the band before they printed the numbered digipak versions
Lord K. Philipson (formerly of Leukemia, House of Usher, and Lame) and Jorgen Sandstrom (formerly of Grave, Entombed, and recently of Vicious Art and Krux) released their impressive nineth studio album in 2012, The Cadaverous Retalitation Agenda, which was the first album on the bands own Mouth Of Belial Records. Guests this time around is Ruby Roque (from Witchbreed on vocals), Peter Dolving (The Haunted on vocals), Dirk Verbeuren (Aborted and ex-Megadeth on drums), Lasse Johansson (Candlemass on guitar solos), Magnus Söderman (Nightrage on guitar solos), Danny Tunker (God Dethroned and Aborted on guitar solos), Tobben Gustafsson (Vomitory and Nifelheim on acoustic guitars) and Petter S. Freed (from 2 Ton Predator on guitar solo). The album took 20 months to complete. Spawned from the mind of K. The word cadaverous was in K’s mind for quite some time and just needed to find its place in a sentence to form the title he was looking for. This album is retaliation in its purest form and the concept of it is the bands agenda, so once those words came together – it was done. It explains everything that TPH was about at that exact time.
Track list:
2. I Feed You The Flesh Of Your Poisonous Christ
4. We Watch In Silence As The Earth Turns To Blood
6. Conquering The Throne Of The Cadaverous
8. The Great Retaliation Is Upon Them
10. Carving Out The Tongues Which Speak Of Salvation
12. Welcome The Judas Agenda