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Tiamat -The Astral Sleep MC

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Polish pressed music cassette. Clear cassette with printed paper label.

Poland is probably the country that had the most record labels in the world that only released cassettes. But even though there were lots of labels the market was still small as they only printed these for their own market inside of Poland. And a label in one town maybe lacked the distribution for another town and so on. A Warzaw or Krakow label might print more copies of a tape then labels from a smaller town. So even if there are thousands of releases you will notice how rare some are if you start to try to list the catalog number of one particular label. Some cassettes just rarely shows up. One of the bigger cassettes labels were Takt Music in Warsaw and another one was MG Records, which was a sub-label of GM Records (both used the same logo during the early 90s). Just like Takt they started in 1990 and existed up until 1994 and during those 4 years they released approx 3000 tapes. Under the name of GM Records they started a pressing plant in Poland after these cassette years was over.

Sweden’s Tiamat displayed an incredible learning curve in the year after their debut, resulting in 1991’s excellent The Astral Sleep. Short synthesizer instrumentals (“Neon Aeon” and “The Seal”) open and close the album, setting the stage for the band’s new ability to incorporate background keyboard textures (often resembling angelic choirs) to even their most aggressive death metal. Vocalist Johan Edlund has already begun transforming his grunt into a raspy growl (actual singing would follow), and his songwriting is original and diversified on standouts like “Mountain of Doom,” “Lady Temptress,” and the multifaceted “A Winter Shadow.” Acoustic guitar precipitates the otherwise furious “On Golden Wings” and “The Southernmost Voyage” (another highlight) and the band finally thrashes out a bit on “Ancient Entity” and “I Am the King (Of Dreams).”

Track listing:
1. Neo Aeon
2. Lady Temptress
3. Mountain Of Doom
4. Dead Boys Quire
5. Sumerian Cry (Part III)
6. Ancient Entity
7. On Golden Wings
8. The Southernmost Voyage
9. Angels Far Beyond
10. I Am The King (Of Dreams)
11. A Winter Shadow
12. The Seal

Additional information


MG Records

Release Year


Catalogue Number

MG 1899