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Zorormr –The Monolith cd

Original price was: 149,00 kr.149,00 kr

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SKU: Cd 30j Categories: , ,


Zorormr’s 2023 opus, The Monolith, will take you back in time, to the tape trading days and experience Zorormr’s black metal abominations the old-school way. This truly stands as a Monolith under all the monolithic songs of this powerful, dark release. Vocals are a primal force of darkened death and miraculously manage not to become boring after a while.

Track list:
1. The Monolith
2. Downward Spiral
3. Hollow
4. I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
5. The Pentagram
6. Return To Nothingness
7. Per Aspera Ad Astra

Additional information


Via Nocturna Records

Release Year

Catalogue Number